Project Description
2021 KDU North-East Luncheon Sale
The Chapter hosted a drive-thru luncheon sale on Saturday, September 25 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. A variety of Krio food was prepared by members. Pre-ordered food was packaged and ready for pick up as well as for delivery to homes by volunteers. As the COVID pandemic continues, we had to adhere to regulations that restrict indoor activities and organized the luncheon sale to respond to the situation, ensuring the full participation of members and supporters. The Social Committee, which organized the fundraiser, provided some limited space at the venue for food pick up service as well as for socializing. During the event a membership drive was organized that resulted in the Chapter adding four (4) new members. Cash donations made by members and supporters also provided a modest increase to the total funds raised. The event was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work and commitment of the Social Committee team with the full support of the President and the Executive Committee.